Dojo Toolkit is an open source modular JavaScript library designed to ease the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and web sites. Dojo 1.8 is the last major release before the big 2.0. The top goal of Dojo 1.8 was to significantly improve the quality of our documentation.
Dojo 1.8 isn’t all documentation, of course! We’ve also been hard at work adding several major new features to the toolkit that we think you’ll enjoy. Dojo/request is a cross-platform AJAX component, designed to be more flexible and extensible than the existing dojo/_base/xhr component (which it deprecates). Notable new features of this component include the ability to perform AJAX calls from Node.js, XHR2 support, and a dojo/node: A new loader plugin that enables server-side code to load Node.js/CommonJS modules from within the AMD loader. Dojo/router is a component that enables client-side applications to register and navigate between discrete “pages” that change based on the current browser URL, like the navigation of a “traditional” server-side application.
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